Colander Hanging Basket


Hi everyone, I hope you’re all having great Summers so far!  Sorry it’s been so long since I posted anything, I was in Indiana visiting family and friends and have been busy doing typical Summer things like weddings, garage sales and so on.  I’ve also been trying to beautify my outdoor spaces as well so I thought I’d share this DIY colander hanging basket.  It’s pretty easy and I’ve been meaning to make it for a long time now I just needed to acquire a metal colander.  I was helping a friend have a garage sale this weekend and she had an old colander that she let me have in return so voila!

all you need is:

A colander


Plants of your choice

Chain plus S hooks to stick either in the colander holes or around the handles

And another hook for the top

my supplies

my supplies

I actually found a hanging basket chain kit at Walmart, it was in the chain and rope section.  I had to bend the S hooks to get them to fit but all in all it was very easy.

Before the chain

Before the chain, I made a mess!

Plus the colander is perfect since the water drains right though the holes!

Happy making!  Let me know what other found objects you have used to put plants in.

Jenna ♥