My Vacation Photos

I went on a vacation to Portland, OR last week so I thought I would share some of the photos with you.  We went hiking at Mount Hood one day and drove down to California on my birthday to see Redwood National Park.  It was a great time and we feel like it went to fast, but I missed my cats too!



Hiking around Mount Hood


Ramona Falls


Mount Hood


Crescent City, CA


Redwood National Park


I found Paul and Babe!


We had to go to Voodoo donuts!

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Painted Shirt 


I used my Portland vacation for my photos. 😉 I’ll post the rest next.

I had an idea for a graphic shirt without screen printing. (although I’ve been wanting to try screen printing)  I used a white tank top and used a plastic bag over cardboard to paint on.  I used watered down craft paint, but only water it down slightly because it will run.  This is also why you should keep your imagery simple.  I love the way it turned out and what says Summer better than watermelon!


I should mention that I didn’t actually paint on the carpet, and I wouldn’t recommend it!


Bird Feeder Save 

Last Fall I may have gotten into a minor turf war with one of the squirrels that was stealing bird food. They were good all summer and only ate what the birds dropped but then they got greedy ad found out they could crawl up the brick wall to get to the feeder. After I slapped one on the tail when he didn’t leave I came home the next day to this. 

 Yup, that’s all from one day. This was personal! 

Anyway I really didn’t want o have to throw out the feeder and tried to still use it but the bird seed would spill out when the birds sat on it. I got the idea to glue a plate into the bottom to catch what was spilling out and then the birds could also have a place to perch again. 

 So far this seems to be working and no squirrels have gotten in yet this year. I’ll probably get a new feeder eventually, I just like to reuse if I can and I was afraid they would just ruin a new feeder too.  Bird feeders aren’t exactly cheap! Hopefully everyone can coexist peacefully this year. 😉 

P.S. We’re in Portland, OR right now on vacation for my birthday today so I’ll probably be posting pictures next time!


Perler Bead Card 

So every year for the past few years I have been making my own cards for my uncle’s birthday because I can never find good uncle cards. I’m close with my uncle and they’re all so impersonal! I had an idea to use perler beads, I used to make things with these as a kid. You just iron the design!    I attached it to card stock and stamped the “happy birthday.” I got the design from Makeandtck on iconosquare. I forgot how much fun these little beads are and I’ll have to come up with some more projects for them!  Also here is the  embroidered card I made last year.

I joined the Air plant club


I’ve actually been wanting an air plant for a while after seeing them all over Pinterest. One of my friends bought some at the Renegade Craft Show in Chicago last summer and while one died she said the other one was pretty easy to care for after she got the knack for it.

According to articles I’ve read the best way to care for them is to submerge the actual plant in a glass of filtered water for a couple hours and let dry on a paper towel after that. Do this once a week or so. I’ve had mine for a couple weeks now and this seems to work so far.


If you are new to air plants they don’t need soil because they don’t have roots. They get their nutrients from the air. (hence the name)  They like bright but filtered light best so as long as you keep this in mind they are extremely easy and fun to display. The possibilities. Are endless and here are some fun examples I found on Pinterest from Centrogarden, Buzzfeed, and Decoist.

I put mine in a little terrarium with some sphagnum moss and fish rocks. The glass ornament is from Joann’s. I bought it last winter after Christmas on sale. I’m going to hang it with jute and hang it up somewhere.



My Fourth Of July Weekend

Hello, I hope you all had a great weekend.  If you live in the U.S. then you probably celebrated the Fourth of July with fireworks or a barbecue, but whatever you did I hope it was great!  Here are just a few photos of my weekend.  Ben and I went to Madison, WI for a concert Friday night so we stayed the weekend and hung out in Madison which is a very cool artsy city.  We watched fireworks on the lake, ate cheese curds and just walked around.  This is the second time we have been to Madison and we love it!  also they have a pretty nice contemporary art museum.  Have a good week everyone, let me know what you did for the 4th.


One of the amazing horse sculptures by the artist Deborah Butterfield at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art

The Capitol Building

Waiting for fireworks to begin