My New Cross Stitch Phone Case


So I’m kinda bad at finishing things I started sometimes, or things I haven’t started in this case!  I bought this phone case from Rue 21 about a year ago because I knew I could do a cool DIY with it, also it was only about $1 on sale.  It came with some patterns but I made up my own and really like the way it came out!  I was able to find some of these cross stitch template cases on Amazon made by Coats and Clark if you are interested.  I was only able to find some for 5 and 4 and no other brand of phone but you might be able to find some if you search.  If you make one send me a picture so I can see!


Valentine’s Day Garland


Hola peeps!  I took a bit of a hiatus from blogging, not really on purpose but more because I was too busy to start/work on new projects and before I knew it January was half over!  I am totally scared by the way time works and wish things would slow down just a bit.  Now its that time of year that I just want to bypass to warmer days but I’m trying to enjoy the here and now and find the good, even in this frozen wasteland, because one day I’ll look back and miss these times!


I’ve never really decorated too much for Valentines day but since I have a craft blog now I figured I’d see what I could come up with, and love the results.  I’m really starting to get in that heart everything spirit now and even though I don’t do frilly decorations (unless they’re vintage of course!) I made some simple nature inspired pieces.  The arrows are inspired by similar ones I found on Pinterest.  I used sticks for mine though and used paint and marker for the feathers.  the heart tips are cardstock.  I also made some of the feathers into earrings for my Etsy shop Peppermint Emporium.  The garland is straight from my noggin and is just sticks, coffee filters dyed with watered down craft paint and twine.  grab your glue gun and there ya go! Ben buys the unbleached coffee filters so I was a little disappointed that they weren’t white, but afterward I decided I liked the brown color better, it lends itself to the natural rustic vibe I was going for.

